
8 Months Old

Isabel turns 8 months old today. She has entered the stage where it is nearly impossible to get a picture of her. She will NOT sit still. If she sees the camera, she crawls to it immediately. I take about 50 shots and end up with about 4 that aren't blurry. She's crawling everywhere, getting into everything, loves putting paper in her mouth, and I hadn't realized how many things are on our floors until recently. I've had to remove several non-food items from her little mouth. I definitely have to watch her and the big kids so that they don't leave choking hazards all over the floor.

In addition to amazing mobility, other fun changes have happened. She's not a real chatter box yet, but she's definitely making a lot of new sounds--I've heard the occasional ma, but her favorite sound right now is boo. I've heard a few ga's as well. She's learning to feed herself and is really starting to prefer real food to baby food, but I'm not really for that transition yet. She's trying to give up her third nap, and I am so ready for that, but every now and then, she needs that third cat nap. She's holding strong with her two teeth, but her upper gums are looking a little swollen.

Her tear ducts are still clogged, but we're praying that they will unclog on their own before she turns one. Otherwise, we will see an ophthalmologist about having them surgically unclogged--YUCK! We took her in for a weight check last week, and she's gaining weight but she's just gonna be lean. She's hanging out around the 6th percentile, at 14 lbs, 14 oz. Here are some pictures of Isabel at 8 months:

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