
My peanut

Okay, so I was in a bit of a shock from Isabel's doctor appointment. She has only gained 9 ounces since her last appointment--2 months ago! The great news is that she's growing well--her head circumference is great and she grew 2 inches lengthwise which puts her above the 60th percentile at 26 inches. The doctor does not think there's a medical issue but that she just needs more calories. I'm trying not to blame myself, but I've definitely lowered her milk consumption (not supplementing with formula) because she is eating solids so well. However, as the doctor and I discussed things, she gently reminded me that vegetables don't have a ton of calories and very little (if any) fat. So, Isabel gets to pig out for the next 9 days and then we'll go back for a weight check. I'm supplementing her breast milk with Pediasure--that stuff is pretty yummy--as it should be with 240 calories and 9 grams of fat in 8 ounces.

Again, family especially, I'm not worried and the doctor isn't worried. She is doing great otherwise and has met or slightly exceeded other milestones. She's happy, active when she's awake, and sleeps great. She put on a very good show for the doctor--rolled over when she was trying to listen to her heart, sat right up when she asked if Isabel was sitting, laughed when she asked if she was laughing, etc.

So, we'll see what the scale says next week, but Isabel is loving the Pediasure and it might be hard to give it up.

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