
15 months old

Pierce is 15 months old. We went to the dr. today, and he got one shot. Apparently, there's a nationwide shortage of the HIB vaccine, so he didn't get that one, just his MMR. He handled it fine, just a few tears. He's really slimming down (22 lbs., 14 oz--30%) and staying tall (32 inches--75%).

He practically runs everywhere, which makes things interesting. He's into climbing, and I've found him standing on top of the kids' table on multiple occasions. Unfortunately, he's starting to have opinions and can express himself pretty well when he's unhappy with the circumstances (although, he hasn't picked up on the word "no" yet). We've also had to take some disciplinary action. His favorite offenses are pulling hair and smacking other people, Madelyn and me in particular.

He's still a joy to be around 99% of the time, though. I've lost track of all of his words. I just can't keep up with his growing vocabulary. Often times, when we sit down to eat, he'll fold his hands to pray, and it really sounds like he's saying "Jesus", but I'm not completely sure. He knows several body parts (eyes--he even says eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly, foot). He's very playful and affectionate and still loves reading.
This is the best shot of him that I could get today:

1 comment:

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

So cute! He looks like a little boy :) These little guys getting their own opinions can be quite a trip huh? haha