
Home Makeover: Master Bathroom Edition

 We'd been talking about doing "minor" renovations to our master bathroom since we moved last summer.  We decided it was time to do it this spring.  The main thing was removing the large, ugly mirror hanging above the vanity.  JD tried to get it off without demolishing it, but that proved impossible, so we duct taped the mirror to prevent major shattering.

Then, JD went to work:

 We still did quite a bit of damage to the mirror:

 JD then removed the strip of seven lights that was above the mirror:

The mess:

JD then had to do some rewiring and install junction boxes for our new light fixtures:

JD added new drywall and I painted the bathroom a light blue color.  It had been a light cream color.  We didn't install any new plumbing or change the sinks or tub/tiling, so it was far from a complete bathroom reno., but we love the results.

Here is the finished product:

Our dressing area had the same style mirror, but it came off the wall very easily and in one piece.  It also had the same light strip, so we replaced the mirror and light fixture:

Other projects lately have been painting the baby's room and assembling a bunk bed in Madelyn's room so that Isabel can move in with her.  We started that transition tonight.  We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Renee said...

The mirrors look great!