
Home Makeover: Shutter Edition

Nesting is in full swing at our house.  We've taken on a number of projects to (hopefully) complete before mid-July when the baby comes.  Last weekend, we replaced the shutters, and by we, I mean, I held the ladder while JD replaced the shutters.  Our old shutters were quite faded as  you can see in the below picture.  You can really tell if you look at the bottom left shutters.

 Here's a close up view:

What a guy!

 Isabel is measuring the ladder to make sure it's safe:

You can really tell the difference here.  We also decided to switch from the louvered style to the paneled style shutter, and I really like them.

Oh, it looks so much better!  Now, if I can just get my front door painted red...

Thanks, babe, for risking life and limb on the ladder in 90 degree heat.  The results are fabulous!  I love you!

1 comment:

Jennifer Clark said...

I like the new style! I've thought about replacing ours at some point so I'll have to get more details from you about the project.