
3 Months Old

 Julia turned three months old on Thursday.  She is doing well; she smiles a lot; she sleeps well and a lot; when she's awake, she rarely cries or complains.  No stats updates since we haven't been to the doctor, but she's wearing mostly 3-6 month clothing as most of her 0-3 month clothes are snug or too short.  She seems to like sucking her right index finger, which seems kind of funny, but she's been pretty consistent with that.  She's rolled over a couple of times from her belly to her back but isn't doing it regularly.

A quarter of a year already gone...


Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

It goes by so fast doesn't it?? She is so sweet :) Congratulations again on your newest sweet little!

The Rakows said...

she is so cute! :) she looks so tiny and petite!! :) how's life with 4 kids, C?? :)