
Farm Conversation

Madelyn and Pierce spent last week with my in-laws. It's a great escape from the suburbs as the kids get to experience fishing and farming and yards without fences. My father-in-law told Pierce to find his shoes so they could go fishing on the pond.

Pierce: I can't find them.
FIL (a minute later): Pierce, get your shoes.
Pierce (as he plays with a toy): I don't know where they are.
FIL: Alright, Pierce. We're going fishing. You can go bare foot. Country boys go bare foot.
Pierce (as he's walking down the path): Granddaddy, my feet are all sticky. (They are covered in mud.)

A bit of time passes as they are fishing.

Pierce: Granddaddy, do country boys have money?
FIL: Ummm...yes, sure. Some of them do.
Pierce: Well, why don't they just buy some shoes?

My sweet Pierce has it all figured out.

1 comment:

Jennifer Clark said...

So cute, love that story!